To understand if you are engaging a qualified service provider and getting value for money, here is your quote checklist:
Ensure your contractor is licensed (NSW property owners can check this via (Fair Trading NSW).
Does the contractor have adequate insurance coverage (obtain copies and check amount, and expiry date). Search Google reviews and other review sites to see what other customers have had to say. How long have they been in business?
Ensure the quote includes all site preparation costs and removal of job-related debris.
Read the fine print - if your quote is only valid for 2 months, does the fine print detail a price increase after this period, or will you need a renewed written quote?
Payments. Obtain a written outline of when payments are expected at each stage of your project.
Request an itemised list of inclusions. For example, if getting a driveway installed.
Concrete thickness, are side paths and stairs part of your agreed install?
Design inclusions: colour, finish (stamped, brush, aggregate, polish)
As the home-owner, it is recommended you equip yourself with as much information as you can, especially if your property is heritage listed, or on a main road which may require additional approvals/ costs.
Obtain the appropriate local council permits. NOTE: if you live on a main road, establish if that road is managed by local council, or a third party. If a third party, you may be up for more applications and costs.
Both you and your contractor should check site plans and location of utilities such as underground water and power lines before moving forward with the contract.
Contact PIERCRETE GROUP for all your concrete needs. Our highly professional and experienced tradesmen are fully licensed and insured.
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